
How to deliver first-class customer service

How to deliver first-class customer service

Customers are the lifeblood of any business, so treating them well should always be a priority. By regularly exceeding expectations, you can boost customer satisfaction and retention. Why not encourage them to become a brand ambassador? you can go beyond your customers’ expectations.

Exceeding customer expectations should start at the enquiry stage and be maintained throughout your business relationship. The benefits can be substantial — boosting your reputation and leading to referrals.

Better than the competition?

Distinguishing your firm from competitors at the enquiry stage is vital.

A swift response is always impressive, but so is correctly establishing what the customer actually wants and why. People appreciate a personal service. Follow up on what you say you’ll do and keep in touch to provide regular [update]s. Make the most of the personal services you can offer and you will reap the rewards.

Even at this early stage you should aim to exceed expectation. For example, if you’ve said you’ll respond with more information within 24 hours, try and answer more quickly.

Maintain regular customer contact

Staying close to customers gives you the opportunity to develop relationships, to further demonstrate your expertise and increase confidence in you and your business.

Small firms have the advantage of providing personal contact, usually with the same person. Get to know customers’ names, find out about their interests and ask them how they are getting on. “It’s worth spending some time understanding the client so you can provide a more tailored solution”.

Once you have completed a job or have made a sale, ask satisfied customers to tell other people about your business, but don’t be too pushy.

Monitoring your customer service allows you to see what has worked and what hasn’t. Unless you track it, you won’t know where you need to focus your efforts to improve.

Good service standards

You need to provide a high standard of customer service if you are to retain customers and win new ones. Small firms are in a great position to compete with larger companies on customer service. They usually have the flexibility to go the extra mile to make customers and potential customers feel valued.

Consider giving your best customers a named contact if they have any queries, or calling them to let them know about a new range of products or sale pre[view]. “You could also consider rewarding them with a discount voucher or taking them out for an end-of-year meal. It shows that you appreciate their loyalty”, says Hughes.

And remember, if dealing with a complaint from an existing customer — don’t panic. Make sure they know you will sort it out. Go away, do some research, get back to them and say you will give them a result. If handled correctly, a complaining customer can become one of your biggest fans. “Some of the best business relationships are ones that start with problems,” concludes Hughes.


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